Ben Woodeson
Violations #10 and #15

4 - 19 September 2010
Both artworks featured in Ben Woodeson's exhibition at Trade are aesthetic repercussions of designing machines that flout health and safety rules, which govern space, movement and intention.
The motion activated vacuum pump of Violation #10 removes the atmosphere from the sealed gallery, literally, but subtly, modifying the physics of the space. This artwork is complemented by Violation #15 a visually seductive contorting, black noose-like form that whips and rubs the gallery walls and floor.
Like sawing through a branch on which you are sat, the works invite us to consider the inevitability of their own Tom and Jerry style demise. Whether the gallery would eventually implode or be stroked to death, taking the works with them, is actually of little consequence - what the artworks offer is a very human trait - to be the masters of their own downfall.
Recent exhibitions include: The Tomorrow People, Elevator Gallery, London - Die Panke, Berlin - The Electric Return of Revenge, LoBe, Berlin - Scary stupid spinning thing, The Tank Room, London - Chemical Spill, Space (Foyer), London - Me love you long time (AKA Five in Five), Basement 43, London - Twisted (Selected Works), Electrohype, Skanes Konstforenings, Malmo, Sweden.